At Atlan, we have always invested in the growth of our teams and people around us. To give back to the community and contribute, we collaborate with tech communities across Delhi NCR. These meetups have helped us learn from others, share our work, and get different perspectives on things we are working on.

We had a chance to host Node.js Day at Atlan HQ in collaboration with JSLovers, a nonprofit organization that aims to bring together all JavaScript and frontend technology enthusiasts — web development, HTML5, CSS, and IoT — together. In this event, themed around Node.js, we hosted three speaker sessions. Read below to watch and learn more about everything that happened on the Node.js Day.

The Event Roundup ⏰

Debugging Applications in Node.js by Gaurav Sehrawat

One of the most important practices in development, “debugging” refers to the process of identifying and eliminating errors from software applications. There are various helpful tools available now for debugging applications. These are also better than the console.log that limits the development of the app. Gaurav, in this session, talks about some efficient and helpful tools like the Node.js Debugger for debugging apps. You can access the presentation from this session here.

This was recorded as part of the community initiatives by SocialCops.

You can connect with Gaurav and learn more about his work from his Github profile:

GraphQL with Node.js and MySQL by Ashok Dey

GraphQL is an open-source data query language for APIs that serves as a runtime environment for fulfilling queries with existing data and enabling clients to ask for the data they need from a web server. Ashok in this session talks about various features and use cases of GraphQL. You can access the presentation from this session here.

This was recorded as part of the community initiatives by SocialCops.

You can connect with Ashok and learn more about his work from his Github profile:

Event Loop, Streaming, and Modules by Chetan Sharma

Despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded, the event loop allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible. Streams are collections of data — just like arrays or strings. This makes streams really powerful when working with large amounts of data, or data that’s coming from an external source one chunk at a time.

In this session, Chetan talks about the single-threaded nature of Node.js by elaborating on event loops, streaming, and modules. You can access the presentation from this session here.

This was recorded as part of the community initiatives by SocialCops.

You can connect with Chetan and learn more about his work from his Github profile:

We love the opportunities that these meetups open for all of us. It is great to witness people coming from different industries to share experiences, discuss ideas, and collaborate — all while giving back to the community.


Loves all things data, tech, startups and tweets at @leenasoni_.

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